A quick inspection and cleaning in late winter can make a huge difference come Spring.
After a typical winter where your gutters and downspouts experience widely varying temperatures, snow, and ice. E-Z Flow Technicians will clean inspect your gutters and leaders as well as your roof, flashings and chimneys for commonly found damage. This is a critical preventative step in ensuring that your home and landscape will be protected during the typical spring rainy season prior to your mandatory spring cleaning. With winters sometimes lasting through a good part of March nowadays, this inspection and cleaning will be done in late March or April, based on the weather.
Spring cleaning is mandatory for avoiding damage, and is the one most overlooked by homeowners.
In April and early May, trees make a huge mess: dropping pollen tassels, seeds, flowers and buds, as well as the infamous helicopters that will quickly clog your gutters, leaders and drains. Proper spring cleaning of this annoying debris will prepare your roof drainage system for the heavy summer rains associated with thunderstorms and avoid costly damage to your home and landscaping.
E-Z Flow Technicians will remove all debris from your roof, gutters, and leaders and flush the system with water as needed, ensuring that the roof drainage system is flowing and draining properly. We will also visually inspect your roof, flashings and chimney for damage. This service is generally done in late May to early June.
In late Summer, it’s worth addressing any debris or damage from heavy Summer storms.
Summer storms can fill your roof drainage systems with green leaves, sticks and debris that can quickly and easily clog your gutters, downspouts and drains leading to potential damage to your home and landscaping. E-Z Flow technicians will fully inspect and clean your gutters and leaders as well as visually inspect your entire roof, flashings and chimneys. This service is generally done in August.
“Fall” is prime-time for your gutters. Make sure they get inspected and cleaned throughout the season.
To properly protect your home and keep your roof drainage system working properly, it’s important to clean your roof, gutters and leaders of debris at least 3 times over the late summer and fall seasons. Different species of trees drop their leaves at different times throughout the late summer and fall seasons, starting with ash trees shedding leaves and oaks, hickory and beech trees dropping their nuts as early as mid-late September. This is promptly followed by maples and other common trees shedding leaves throughout October and early November, finished off by oak trees hanging on through Thanksgiving and sometimes into December with their leaves that are fairly large, remain extremely rigid and seemingly indestructible. Ensuring that your gutters and downspouts are cleaned throughout this 3-month period and into the winter is imperative in preventing your home from being damaged by heavy fall rains and winter snow and ice. E-Z Flow Technicians will thoroughly clean your roof, gutters and leaders of debris and inspect them for any damage needing repairs. They will also flush your gutters and leaders with water as they feel necessary throughout this season of cleanings. These cleanings and services are done in October, November and December.
“I just wanted you to know how impressed we were with our gutter cleaning service this past Friday. The workmen were very efficient, careful and obviously proud of their work. And a special thank you for your quick response to our problem. You will be hearing from us again. ”